Friday, September 26, 2008

Lillianna Joy, an Older Sister! Jared, a Father!

Yes it's true, in the span of the last two months (or less) the Kempson family has been blessed (yet again) with two beautiful babies! Mom and Dad, now grandparents of seven nieces and nephews, and myself and the rest of my siblings, aunts and uncles for the seventh time around! In the running, there are six precious girls, and one boy! However, although surrounded by girls, with three younger sisters and now three girl cousins, Jaron is still a Kempson boy through-in-through, as I am told by both parents that he is quite the athlete and really enjoys being around the guys...and in my own opinion, he can be quite the little gentleman.

Friday morning, before we went to visit Margie and her parents at the hospital, Grandma, Jesse, Mom, and I went out to breakfast at LePeep.

The birth of a baby, be it a son or daughter, a niece or nephew, a grandchild, or a great-grandchild, it never "gets old." In fact, many of you who have experienced one of the above would undoubtedly agree that each birth and baby brings with it a new sense of joy, excitement, and gratefulness. It is a true feeling of awe, as you hold them for the first time and admire their tiny hands and feet. I believe that each baby is living evidence of a God creator, in much of the same way a gorgeous sunset or impressive mountain peak, waterfall, or other awe inspiring naturalistic landscape would. Each is a miracle, a small glimpse of how powerful and loving our Heavenly Father is, has been, and will be. Holding a baby always makes me wonder about that child's future, how they will experience both the "highs" and the "lows" of life. Especially as an aunt, it becomes my heart's desire and prayer that they too come to know their awesome creator as their own Heavenly Father through obedience to and trust in their Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

"For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well." (Psalms 139:13-14)

Enough with my babblings and "preaching," although genuine and true, and on to the news!...

Josh and Natasha, my older brother and sister-in-law, had their second little girl on Friday, August 8th, 2008. Although a C-Section was planned for the Monday following, little Margaret Marie decided to surprise their parents and relatives by coming early. Her birthday will be very easy to remember, as she was born on the eighth month of the year, the eighth day of the month, and in the year of 2008 (08/08/08). Margaret, or "Margie" as she is most often called, and her older sister Lilly are both beautiful and healthy young ladies and the pride and joy of Josh and Tash. We are all hoping that Margie's hair will be red like her dad. Grandma, my mom, thinks that she will perhaps have strawberry-blond hair like her aunt Lydia....we will see. Who's to say? She might end up having bouncy-blond-curls like Lilly.

(Above) Aunt Sarah with Margie...look how peaceful she looks, she must like Aunt Sarah best! (Smile)
(Left)"Grandma (or Gigi, Great grandma)loves to hold me, and I'm rather content as well"

(Above Left)"Uncle Jesse and looks like I'm telling him something important, and he's a good listener"
(Above Right) "I love my Grandma!"
(Above Left)"This is my daddy and my Uncle Jesse"
(Above Right)Josh is a proud and happy father.
Margaret means Pearl
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Matthew 5:8
Marie means Exalted of God
"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Psalm 37:4
If you want to read about Jared and Becca's little'll have to read my next blog post.

Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day of Work at Trader Joe's

As a new crew member at Trader Joe's, my response to the captain's orders is "Aye Aye sir!" (and rightly so, for this is the true and proper response for all reliable and respectable crew members). As clarification for all you landlubbers, or "land lovers," this isn't just a simple "yes," but more accurately translates to say, "Yes, I understand and I will obey!"). With this in mind, and much to my contentment as I am typically an "early bird," I began my very first day of work at 6:00 AM. Wanting to leave around 5:30'ish, my alarm clock sounded at 4:30 AM, plenty of time to wash-up, dress in the newly acquired but traditional floral Trader Joe's t-shirt, and to eat a nourishing and relaxing breakfast of my favorite, warm oatmeal with the fixings. Mom was also up, putting together a lunch for Dad and doing this and that, so I didn't eat alone.

Upon arrival, I jumped right in, helping the crew re-stock, or re-shelve, the refrigerated produce. First, however, I was properly equipped with the standard "tools of the trade," as Damien, a "full-timer" and my "trainer" for the day, found me a utility knife and sheath, gloves, and a pen.
After unpacking and re-shelving some frozen broccoli, mixed veggies, and fruits, I was assigned to the "cheese" section (of course with some indirect help from other members of the crew who where near by, either having been assigned cheese or a near by product like bread or fresh produce). I quickly discovered that we, Trader Joe's, offers a large variety of cheeses, of all shapes and sizes, textures, flavors, countries, and different dairy sources: Blue, Havarti, Brie, Cantal, Comté, Port Salut, Saint-André, Feta, Dubliner, Mozzarella, Mozzarella di Bufala, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Provolone, Cheddar, Colby, Swiss, Romano, Parmesan, lactose free, goat's milk, and much, much more, of different origins and names (some I have never heard of, and many of them I cannot pronounce). It was fun! My work involved more than just re-shelving these different cheeses, but I will not bog you down with too much detail.
The morning went by quickly, but it was enjoyed as throughout each task assigned to me I met new crew members, and from them learned new "tricks-of-the-trade" as well as some of the "ins-and-outs" of the store. With only five minutes before opening, 9:00 AM, I was assigned the task of blowing up and tying strings to balloons. As an "old pro," having blown up and tied many balloons during his twelve years of T. Joe's experience, Damien demonstrated the task with a few quick and fluid motions. I on the other hand....(smile). Of course I was able to accomplish the task quite successfully, but as far as quickly and fluidly...let's just say I never thought I would be told that with time and practice I would be a much better balloon blower and tier (smile).

From balloons, I was pulled away by Damien yet again. With a "Sarah follow me!" and with a forward gesture of the arm and hand, we moved from the store front and cash registers to the back room, storage. I was assigned the task of spoils, as, with marker and hand scanner in hand, Damien demonstrated and explained the "spoils program" to me. The spoils were immediately picked up by a down-town food bank as it was loaded into a truck by two older gentlemen, who provided me with some assistance and friendly conversation. I also was able to meet one of the store's artists, Elizabeth, (of course, artist being only one of her many jobs, as all crew members are required to do a bit of everything...of course keeping in mind that many crew members, especially full-timers, have additional areas of "expertise" and/or jurisdiction), and a nice older aged woman of african decent, Johnnie, who is one of the crew members in charge of the demo station.

Not being knowledgeable and familiar with all of T. Joe's numerous products, weather it being its location and/or its availability, but eager and enthusiastic about assisting the customers, I was able to call on the expertise of other crew members throughout the store. Throughout the day I was able to interact with a number of crew members and customers, which I thought was both insightful and great fun. One great thing about T. Joe's I'm finding, among many things, is that the crew members are very friendly and also eager to help and assist others, both their customers and fellow employees. Elizabeth is one such member that I was able to learn from, as she kindly answered questions and led by example.

"Sarah follow me!," at Damien's lead I was assigned the task of re-shelving choclates and candies. Still getting aquanted with my trusty green utility knife, I opened, unpacked, re-shelved, re-organized, and collapssed cardboard boxes filled with sugary and sweet goodies like my Grandma Kempson's favorite Trader Joe's large milk chocolate bars (Grandma I thought about you today!), dark and milk chocoalte covered nuts and fruits, cookies and "dunkers," etc, as well as a new cereal bar. Of course, at the same time, as all crew members should and are encouraged to do, I was making consise but welcoming and friendly conversation with costumers who came my way. I assisted them in any way that I could, weather it was helping them locate root bear, wheat free waffles, pita bread, meatless meat ball (that is a new one for me too, they do exist though and T. Joe's does carry, peanut butter, etc.

Wouldn't you know it? I was also able to use my Spanish! The shorter version of the experience, but feel free to ask me in person about my first day; I noticed a man browsing with somewhat of an inquisative and somewhat lost expersion on his face. I asked him, "do you need any help finding something?" He replied, with accent and broken English, "I no speak English." My response, "¿puedo ayudarte encontrar algo?" (can I help you find something?), and his face expression changed, with a smile and a bit of surpsirse. We had a good little conversation in Spanish, and although I found myself feeling rather out of practice, as I am sure my grammar was both hesitant and lacking, he told me that he would be back if he had any questions. What he really was looking for was a job, to which I told him that I believed he would have to be able to speak a lot more English, as he would be interacting with the costomers a lot.

Other jobs, re-shelving and organizing some cereals, both old and new to the store, and of course, the task of bagging groceries. The later of the two jobs I didn't do much of at all today, but I know without a doubt that I will do plenty of bagging throughout my time at Trader Joe's. All in all, the day flew by, as it was very enjoyable and I was kept occupied throughout the seven hour shift. I truely believe, especially after today, that I'm going to enjoy working here. Come visit me anytime! For the rest of this week, being only a part-timer, I work Thursday, from 8AM - 3PM, and Saturday from 3PM - 10PM (the store however closses at 9PM).
PS - Sorry I didn't have someone snap a quick photo of me today, I'm sure Amanda and Zeno, and perhapes other family members will stop by during one of my shifts this week. Like myself, they really enjoy shopping at T. Joe's, and I'm sure they would be more than willing to take a photo....true evidence that crew members do actually work (smile), but we do enjoy our work!